![Claire Kuo Will Be Your “Instant Lover” [MV] claire kuo instant lover mv](http://24-7kpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/claire-kuo-instant-lover-mv-790x390.png)
Claire Kuo has revealed the music video for Instant Lover, the title track of her newly released seventh album, Until We Meet. Instant Lover is a story about one-night stand starring actor Lego Li.
Chaire Kuo shot to fame with the release of her first album I Don’t Want to Forget You in 2007. It won her 12 awards including the Best Newcomer. She has released seven studio albums since. For Until We Meet, she works with talented artists such as Lala Hsu and Li Ge Di.
Mandarin Lyrics & Pinyin:
早晨第一个叹息后我想到你Zao chen di yi ge tan xi hou wo xiang dao ni
Ling luan de shi nei mei you tai duo ni de hen ji
Ni zong shi tian hei lai tian liang qian jiu li qu
Cong lai bu zhi dao ni bai tian shi shen me yang de lian kong
怎么样的心情 我不能抱怨
Zen me yang de xin qing wo bu neng bao yuan
Wo men ge qu suo xu
Jiu xiang da kai yi ge guan tou na me rong yi
Diu diao kong guan tou ye shi he hu yi zhong luo ji
San he yi ji rong ka fei wu fa tiao ti kou wei
即溶爱人至少拥有 一刻钟的幻觉
Ji rong ai ren zhi shao yong you yi ke zhong de huan jue
Zao chen di yi zhen huang hou wo xiang dao ni
Yi jing xu jiu bu zhi dao ai shi shen me dong xi
Kong xu hou de man zu man zu hou de kong xu
Ni cong lai bu wen wo bai tian zuo xie shen me
生活有什么目的 我不能抱怨
Sheng huo you shen me mu de wo bu neng bao yuan
Yin wei wo ye bu wen ni
Repeat *
Jiu xiang la kai yi ge la lian na me rong yi
La shang la lian wei le rang mou zhong wei zhuang ji xu
Ji rong ai ren fei chang zhi sui bian fei chang de fang bian
即溶爱人至少至多也就是 一种顺便
Ji rong ai ren zhi shao zhi duo ye jiu shi yi zhong shun bian
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