Sunday, June 1, 2014

Korean useful words and phrases

Useful Korean words for Kpop fans by zennahh

1 ) 네 - neh - Yes (more common)
예 - yeh - Yes

2 ) 아니오 - ah ni oh - No
아니요 - ahniyo - No

3 ) 안녕하세요? - ahn nyeong ha seh yo? - How are you?
annyounghaseyo? Lit: Are you peaceful (well)?

안녕하세요. - ahn nyeong ha seh yo. - Hello / Hi (a form of greeting)
annyounghaseyo. Lit: Please be peaceful (well).

4 ) (name) ...입니다 ... - im ni da - I am (name)... (formal)

5 ) [만나서] 반갑습니다 - [man na seo] pan gap seub ni da - Nice to meet you
[mannahsuh] pangapsubnida Lit: [Because I met you] I am so glad

6 ) 감사합니다 - kam sa ham ni da - Thank you (formal)

감사해[요] - kam sa hae yo Thank you - (informal)

7 ) 고맙습니다 - goh map seub ni da - Thank you (formal)

고마워[요] - go ma weo [yo] - Thank you (informal)

8 ) 죄송합니다 - chwe song ham ni da - I am sorry (formal)

미안해[요] - mi ahn hae [yo] - I'm sorry; Sorry (informal)

9 ) 여보세요! - yeo boh seh yo
yoboseyo - Hello? (on the phone; peering into dark house)
Hey there!
Look here!

10 ) 누구세요? - noo goo seh yo?
nuguseyo? - Who is it? (when answering a knock on the door)

11 ) 아니오, 괜찮아요 - ah ni oh, kwaen chan nah yo - No, thanks; It's alright; It's ok;
aniyo, kwenchanayo

괜찮아[요] - kwaen chan nah [yo] - It's ok; You're welcome (informal)
kwenchana [yo]
Lit: It's ok / alright, dont you know?

12 ) 알겠습니다 - al get seub ni da - I understand (formal)
algesubnida Lit: I have understood
(said to your boss / superior in formal setting)

아랐어[요] - ah rat seo [yo] - I understand; I got it (informal)
araso[yo] (said in informal settings to friend, etc.; also used in angry / annoyed manner)

13 ) 그래요? - geu rae yo? - Oh, really?; Is that so?

그래요. - geu rae [yo] - Really; That's so

14 ) 사랑해요 - sarang hae yo - I love you

15 ) 주세요 - joo seh yo - Give me (Can be attached to end of a sentence)

16 ) 좋아요? - joh ah yo? - good is it? , do you like it?

17 ) 좋아요 - joh ah yo - it is good, I like it

18 ) 하세요? - ha seh yo? - You do....? You Speak...?

19 ) 있어요? - it ssuh yo? - you have it? do you have? is there?

20 ) 있어요 - it ssuh yo - I have , There is ... , ... is here

21 ) 몰라요 - mol la yo - I dont know

22 ) 뭐예요? - mwuh yeh yo? - What is..?

23 ) 어디예요? uh di yeh yo? - Where is..?

24 ) 아직 - ah jik - still; not yet

25 ) 들 - deul - sentence particle; sign of subject ; plural marker

26 ) 이 - ee - this; current; present

27 ) 이제 - ee jeh - now

28 ) 언제나 - uhn jeh na - always

29 ) 의 - eui - posession particle

30 ) 가 - gah - sentence particle

31 ) 그래 - geu rae - ok; well

32 ) 그렇게 - geu ruh keh - like that; in that way

33 ) 하지만 - ha ji man - but

34 ) 행복 - haeng bok - to be happy; happy; happiness

35 ) 함께(해) - ham keh (hae) - (to be) together

36 ) 이렇게 - ee ruh keh - like this; in this way

37 ) 가끔 - kah keum - sometimes

38 ) 그냥 - geu nyang - that way; keep it like that

39 ) 미안(해) - mi ahn (hae) - (to be) sorry

40 ) 모두 - mo doo- every

41 ) 나 - nah - I / Me

42 ) 나의 - nah eui - My / Mine (lit: Me + posession particle)

43 ) 내가 - nae gah - I / me (more emphasis on 'me' than "Na" by itself)

44 ) 너 - nuh - you (informal)

45 ) 너의 - nuh eui - your's (lit: You + posession particle)


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